







有位小朋友最近迷上了希拉莉, 堅忍的女人憂國憂民,讓淚水在眼眶裡打轉,感染力恰到好處。說到尾,女人出來從政,最肉緊的,多半是為了「要做點事」;但當然做甚麼你就甭管了。

說回頭,小朋友問我:希拉莉會勝出初選嗎?我就叫她找來希拉莉與奧巴馬的生辰八字看看。其實,美國那邊的星象學者一直在研究希拉莉的星盤,問題是,無論是希拉莉還是奧巴馬,都無法準確記得自己的出生時間。關於希拉莉,主流確認的出生時間為早上八時和晚上八時,我把兩個時間開了八字命盤,二者是一個層次的差別。我認為,假如希拉莉出生時間為晚上八時(壬戌),她應該能較輕易勝出,因為丙辰大運中的「辰」,可把她討厭的競爭者一口氣沖開(一辰沖二戌),壬丙相沖亦令湖海生輝,事業更上一層樓,這不是沒有可能的;然而,從她在1991-2000的婚姻事件,我認為她亦有很大機會是生於早上八時(丙辰),因為在乙卯大運裡,出現了寅卯辰匯木局,事業與夫星的突然強大,表面很威風,但平衡被破壞,令一方面出現了連續十年夫星與比肩(別的女人)產生暗拱/合象的情況 ,另方面官煞太旺亦偒害日元(自身)。當然,有另一種看法是不看時柱,單乙庚合金及寅卯半木局已足以傷害她的夫星及日元,但這種傷害應不及上面所提及的大。


















總報名人數: 43284(全馬:5980、半馬:10523、十公里:26781)*
沒有開跑(約): 5800
感到不適: 6249
起跑(約): 37438(86.5%)
到達終點(約): 36423(97.3%)

十公里挑戰組: 男女混合共5649人得名次
十公里1及2組: 8707男+6536女=15243人得名次
全部十公里: 共20892人得名次

十公里挑戰組最慢成績(net time):
女:1:59:54 男:1:53:50

十公里挑戰組全體: 5640/5649
十公里挑戰組女子: 1044/1048
十公里挑戰1組: 291/293
總時間: 1:56:19
Net time: 1:52:20

* 此數字來自《全城準備渣打馬拉松》頁51。綜合其他報章來源:總人數43956,全馬人數6187,參加起跑為(約):全馬6000、半馬8000、十公里23000。



Everything that is born is bound to die. Nobody has ever seen anyone or heard of anyone in any realm – even in the world of the gods – who was born but never died. In fact, it never even occurs to us to wonder whether a person will die or not. It is a certainty.

Breathing gently, people enjoy their slumber. But between one breath and the nest there is no guarantee that death will not slip in. To wake up in good health is an event which truly deserves to be considered miraculous, yet we take it completely for granted.

Although we know that we are going to die one day, we do not really let our attitudes to life be affected by the ever-present possibility of dying. We still spend all our time hoping and worrying about our future livelihood, as if we were going to live forever. We stay completely involved in our struggle for well-being, happiness and status – until, suddenly, we are confronted by Death wielding his black noose, gnashing ferociously at his lower lip and baring his fangs.

Then nothing can help us. No soldier’s army, no ruler’s decrees, no rich man’s wealth, no scholar’s brilliance, no beauty’s charms, no athlete’s fleetness – none is of any use.

Death cannot be fought off by any warrior, ordered away by the powerful, or paid off by the rich. Death leaves nowhere to run to, no place to hide, no refuge, no defender or guide. Death resists any recourse to skill or compassion. Once our life has run out, even if the Medicine Buddha himself were to appear in person he would be unable to delay our death.

So, reflect sincerely and meditate on how important it is from this very moment onwards never to slip into laziness and procrastination, but to practise the true Dharma, the only thing you can be sure will help at the moment of death.

from The Words of My Perfect Teacher, Patrul Rinpoche


A meditation on golf

(this meditation was done on 17/8/2005 after i played a 18 holes game in spring city golf club, kunming)

Although has been hijacked and mistaken as a rich MAN's game, to me, learning golf has a very dear personal reason, and it is a sport, not a class. More important, playing golf is a form of dharma practice to me.

Firstly, golf teaches you to be humble and to understand the impermanence of life. Although pros will play more stable than us ams, the ups and downs are dramatic, thus, we are made to get used to the come and go of good fortune and bad luck.

Just take these two days of game as an example: ok, wonderful tee off, then shitty second shot; then ball is hit to the rough, dropped into the pond; and suddenly a very nice chip and nice putt, or other combainations of course. Then here comes the rain, or even thunder, when you have to rush back to the clubhouse for protection, then storm is gone after a while, you go back, lose your rhythm, and the green becomes very slow after the rain, and you putt like shit. It had become quite cold when it rained, and suddenly, the sun comes out and you start to feel hot even in that thousand dollar hi-tech raincoat, and it is so lucky u have put on sun-block just BEFORE it rains!!

Oh but the sequence has not stopped yet. Not many sports will make you so frantic yet frustrated: maybe you play quite well today, but you may lose all your feelings and rhythm tomorrow and you feel like you have never learnt how to play golf!

So, as a golfer, the first thing you need to learn and accept is the impermance of life, and to understand nothing should be taken for granted: thus not to get over excited or over frustrated by no matter shot you made, cos it comes and will be gone after one moment. That's why advanced golfers know how important it is to control one's emotions and stays calm all the way. There is no rival in golf, your sole enemy is yourself.

And yes, the rumour is right. It demands tremendous concentration and awareness in the golf game. When there are so many conditions where you cannot control, concentration is or is not one of them. This is paradoxical: try hard to relax. While you cannot do that in meditation, you cannot do that in golf either. It is about the middle way. But what is THE middle way? It takes us lives to get hold of this, and this takes golfers years of personal maturity to get hold of it too.

Just take the simplist example: holding the grip, this is most basic. Teachers say: imagine you are holding a bird in your hands......gosh! Just try to do that while you are using your whole body to do a powerful high speed shot!

And regarding body and wholeness. I realised this long ago. While people say golf is a mind game, it is very obvious, as simple as a swing, is a dialogue and negotiation between body and mind, and among your head, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, back, hip, butts, thighs, knees, ankles and feet. Just to make them all co-ordinate and move as a whole - in sequence of course, and in good rhythm within one second.....then feelings follow.

Not even to mention the game is so delicate that sometimes you can't play well because some very tiny deep muscle has not been tuned up!

Fatigue and forcing yourself to continue (the wrong way) is one of the biggest mistakes in golf, so you need to learn to let go, be patient and forgiving to yourself, be compassionate and respectful, even to the patch of grass that has been dug out by you.

Never refuse help. Refusing to learn from a qualified teacher is another biggest mistake. Just like on the road of dharma practising, the way of a golfer got lost all the time too, and that is the reason why we need teachers to take us back to the right path. When one day you feel like you don't know how to swing at all, just like when I get fucked up at work matters I get furious and out of control, I repent immediately and turn to my teacher. It doesn't matter, just remember we are all here to learn, about life, and life is but a golf game.


there is a way we can explain the buddhist thought of "karma".

many ppl think that "karma" equals to "sin" in christianity. but it is not.

let's imagine karma is a super computing system of a bank. each of us, from an ant to a human, has our own account in this bank.

each time we do anyting - yes, karma can be analogue as "thing done" to some extend - a mark will be added to our account: good karma, bad karma, and netural karma. eating, drinking, sleeping, having sex, daily life with no other complication, are non-marked karma.

and any other things done can be catergorized and become credit or debit numbers in our account.

on the other hand, we save and spend karma at the same time. when we are having good "luck", we are spending our good karma, and when we have bad "luck", we are indeed repaying our bad karma.

but then we can do good investments to increase our income of good karma, which, to certain extend, can over-write some of our bad debts.

this is the reason why when we have the wind on our side, we should be more humble and act double good by helping oneself and others to strive to be good, so we won't overdraft our bank account but bring more income instead.

when think about THE lee family, i use this analogy. these ppl must have saved tremendous good karma in their past lives, but by doing so many evil deeds, they are indeed overdrafting their account in a terrible speed. although they can save some good karma by donating money to the poor and the needies, that is very tiny investment. what is most important is what our mind initiate, not what we do. all of us do wrong things, not much bad karma will be accumulate if we do not do it intentionally and if we repent and try to save the situation; but if we do bad things intentionally for an evil cause, the bad karma is double plus double.

i really feel sorry for this monstrous family, and all the ppl who help them to do evil when they actually know about it.